Ilustrating picture with cover shot from the report

Nordic cross-regional health-data sharing and collaboration is key to future of healthcare

The report “HEALTH USE CASE Visualising the effect of a realized Vision 2030 on Nordic businesses” show that through sharing health data a Vision 2030 scenario can be reached where systems, devices and regions are interoperable and collaboration amongst Nordic countries is easily possible.

Health, Demography and Quality of Life program connect people, data and innovation

The report shows this project outlines a comprehensive use-case for the benefits of shared Nordic data for a range of organization types. This was achieved by simulating the expected outcomes of realising the Vision 2030 for SMEs and companies of several sizes, as well as public institutions and healthcare actors.
Through a combination of deep ideational processes and wide analyses, they outline the potentials for innovation, improved health, increased exports, and integrated environmental sustainability, among other parameters.

"The findings from the Use-Case presented in this report illustrates how Nordic citizens and businesses benefit from sharing and utilization of health data across the Nordic borders. Let us continue this important journey towards making the Nordics a fully integrated health-region."

Thordur Reynisson - Senior Innovation Advisor at Nordic Innovation

The Use Case simulates the realisation of Vision 2030

The goal of the project is to provide examples of how the realised vision of shared data contributes directly to constituting the ideal future of Nordic healthcare.

The outcome of the report is an overview over barriers and improvement possibilities. There are seven key themes and eight simulation cases. The results will serve as a foundation for a business case for shared data in the Nordics that will assess the fiscal benefits of a realized Vison 2030.

The seven key themes are:

  • Improving Interoperability
  • Mental Health and Well-Being
  • Personalised Treatments
  • Telehealth and Decentralised Monitoring
  • Decentralised Clinical Trials
  • Sustainability Data Measurement and Transparency
  • Transition to Preventive Care

All in all, the full range of project activities and analyses serves to further develop the Vision 2030, providing nuance to key goals and the projected pathway there. Through sharing health data, a 2030 scenario can be reached where systems, devices and regions are interoperable and collaboration amongst Nordic countries is easily possible. Mental health in the Nordics will largely improve, tailored treatments and medicines can be developed, remote care and decentralised monitoring will be a widely used standard.
Also, treatment development will accelerate through wider access to data, environmental impact data of treatments and products are considered, and health issues will be diagnosed earlier or even prevented.

This move towards the best possible future of healthcare is a complex process. It is supported by the efforts of this and similar projects.

Download the " “HEALTH USE CASE" report

A series of three

The “HEALTH USE CASE Visualising the effect of a realized Vision 2030 on Nordic businesses” report is the second report in a series of three. The first one is called "Bridging Nordic Data" and is available for download.
The third report will be out in late in November 2022.

Download the "Bridging Nordic Data" report
