Contact Nordic Innovation

Sindre Stemshaug Bornstein Managing Director

Sindre Stemshaug Bornstein

Managing Director
Sindre is a economist with international experience from diplomacy, industrial business development, start-ups and impact-driven growth. He is an outgoing network-builder & communicator, with a can-do-attitude and is a strong believer in contributing to a fair and sustainable society throuh systemic innovation.


Sarah Hitz - Communication Adviser

Sarah Hitz

Senior Communication Adviser
Sarah has a broad experience within marketing and communication from both the private sector and public organizations with the European Parliament as her proudest reference. Her main focus at Nordic Innovation is social media, but she is open to all aspects of communication. She has a strong passion for international collaboration with business development, education and freedom of movement as her main areas of interest.

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Nils Arne Haagensen Senior kommunikasjonsrådgiver

Nils Arne Haagensen

Senior Communication Adviser
Nils Arne has more than 20 years experienced as web editor and content manager in the private sector. He strongly believes in user centric websites, content is king and testing, testing, testing is the key to better websites.


Lena Henriksson - Head of Communication

Lena Henriksson

Head of Communication
Visionary change maker who believes in a good strategy. Combined communication and marketing expert with working experience from the broadcasting businesses Swedish Radio and UR. Walked from Media to Business and became responsible for marketing, corporate communication and PR in startups and institutes. Interested in making a difference with great communication.

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Olivia Rekman - Innovation Adviser

Olivia Rekman

Innovation Adviser
Prior to joining Nordic Innovation in 2022, Olivia has worked for several years as an innovation consultant. In her role, she helped international consortiums of SMEs, start-ups and large companies as well as universities, to secure soft funding for green & deep-tech innovation projects. Olivia holds an MSc in International Business & Politics, and founded a CSR consultancy in 2010. Besides her experience in navigating innovation ecosystems and international business development & public policy analysis, Olivia has lived and worked in all Scandinavian countries.

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Nina Egeli - Senior Innovation Adviser

Nina Egeli

Senior Innovation Adviser
Internationalization, innovation and business development support, in combination with a strong background in strategy and policy development are main pillars in Nina’s professional life. Through project design and management, she aims to fit market needs with relevant services and opportunities that allows new business partnerships and business projects to prosper.

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Ville Mäkinen portret

Ville Mäkinen

Senior Innovation Adviser
Ville has broad experience in strategy, business development and corporate venture capital roles in industrial corporations striving towards green transition. He has also worked in corporate finance advisory. He holds M.Sc in Industrial Engineering and Management as well as M.Sc in Accounting and Finance.


Jens Oldgard - Senior Adviser Strategy and Governance

Jens Oldgard

Senior Adviser Strategy and Governance
Jens has broad experience in policy development, strategic planning, and project governance within the Nordic Cooperation, particularly in the fields of labor, skills, and workinglife. At Nordic Innovation, he focuses on utilizing Nordic tools, models, and policy initiatives to help companies leave an impact on innovation pathways towards smart and sustainable growth.


Stian Bergland

Stian Bergeland

Senior Innovation Adviser
While working in international and Nordic cooperation, Stian has applied his skills on project governance and results-based management to improve value creation of projects. Stian has 20 years work experience from complex emergencies and public sector.


Tone Heiene Senior Adviser Info Norden Norge

Tone Heiene

Senior Adviser Info Norden Norge
Tone has had a long career with Info Norden - the Nordic Council of Ministers' information service. She has worked extensively with project management, cooperation, and communication across national borders, and stays up to date on Nordic politics and social conditions. She knows the everyday life of the mobile "nordboer" well and helps people make use of Nordic opportunities within work, education, and business.
