Orange glass at a tram station in Bjørvika, Oslo.

Nordic Smart Mobility and Connectivity

Program 2018 - 2024 Closed

Nordic Innovation aims to speed up the transition to a sustainable future where Nordic citizens benefit from innovative mobility and connectivity solutions.

When we talk about smart mobility and connectivity, we talk about the movement and connections between people, places – both rural and urban, goods and services, information and data. Smart may refer to e.g. sustainability, security or digitalization.

By connecting different actors working with smart mobility and connectivity in the Nordic region, both public and private and across industries, we believe we can develop new businesses and business models, increase innovation and sustainable growth, reduce carbon footprints, ensure accessibility and increase quality of life for citizens living in the Nordic region.

The foundation of our work with mobility and connectivity was laid in the Nordic Smart Mobility and Connectivity program that ran from 2018 to 2021 and has been continued in the Nordic Green Mobility and Smart Connectivity programs (2021–2024).

All activites in the new programs will be collected under this program page.

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Nina Egeli - Senior Innovation Adviser

Nina Egeli

Senior Innovation Adviser
Internationalization, innovation and business development support, in combination with a strong background in strategy and policy development are main pillars in Nina’s professional life. Through project design and management, she aims to fit market needs with relevant services and opportunities that allows new business partnerships and business projects to prosper.

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