Præsentation på scenen til Nordic Health App Award

Major increase in applications for Nordic Health App award 2024

The Nordic Health App Award is taking place for the second time, and the number of applications this year has been very satisfying and underlines the need for common Nordic solutions within digital health, as Rasmus Malmborg, Head of Program says:

“We are glad to see that there is a substantial increase in the number of applicants for the Nordic Health App Award 2024 compared to last year. This reflects the continues increase in development of digital health solutions across the Nordics. It also reflects the real need for a common Nordic accreditation system and a common Nordic market for developers to sell their solutions in.”

“With this competition we seek to discover and recognize Nordic health apps as well as promote the development of new innovative solutions that can ease the pressure on the Nordic healthcare system while at the same time highlight the need for one common Nordic market for digital health solutions.”

The jury

The jury consists of Nordic experts in healthcare, technology and innovation. Once the jury has selected the best top-three digital health solutions, the NordDEC accreditation process will start. The assessment model includes aspects such as purpose and functionality including target audience and type of data, professional assurance and clinical safety, usability, and technical stability.  

This year’s jury:

  • Unni Kvisvik (Norge)
  • Freyr Hólm Ketilsson (Island)
  • Nima Jokilaakso (Finland)
  • Marie Rørdam Fenger (Danmark)

Read more about the assessment process

From the finalists, the jury will select a winner who will be invited to present its solution at one of Nordic Innovation's events related to Arctic Circle 2024, and thereby get exposure to a Nordic audience.

Last year’s winner was the Swedish app Paindrainer which is a self-management device designed for individuals suffering from chronic pain.

Read about last year's winner


NordDEC, launched by Nordic Interoperability Project(N!P) in 2022 with co-funding from Nordic Innovation, is a “fast-track” for evaluation and accreditation for digital health products in the Nordics, also offering a distribution platform for approved solutions, promoting them across the Nordic region. The assessments will be conducted by the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Apps (ORCHA).

Read more about NordDEC


The Nordic Health App Award is funded under the Life Science and Health Tech program with the aim to push forward the development and use of the Nordic Digital Health platform and the Nordic Digital Health Evaluation Criteria (NordDEC). 

The project is developed in collaboration with N!P (The Nordic Interoperability Project).
