The Nordic countries are renowned globally for their innovative solutions for sustainable urban development. For Nordic companies offering such solutions, China presents an interesting market due to their rapid growth, urbanization and will to invest in sustainable solutions.
Now, as part of their new strategic cooperation plan with the Nordic countries, the Chinese city of Changshu are building an innovation park to welcome Nordic companies to soft-land in the Chinese market.

The innovation park can help Nordic businesses establish themselves in China and create even more sustainable, livable and smart cities for Chinese citizens.
– Rasmus Malmborg, Nordic Innovation
Free webinar
The plans for the new innovation park and the city’s strategic cooperation plan with the Nordics will be presented in the 2020 China-Nordic Changshu Economic Cooperation Promotion Conference 18 May, which is co-hosted by Innovation Centre Denmark in Shanghai.
The conference will be run as a 90-minute webinar, for which you can sign up here:
Nordic branding and export cooperation in China
Nordic Innovation is actively working with branding and export of Nordic sustainable urban development solutions through the Nordic Sustainable Cities initiative, which is one of the flagship projects under the Nordic prime ministers’ initiative Nordic Solutions to Global Challenges.
Under the Nordic City Solutions platform, Nordic Innovation is working together with the Nordic trade promotion agencies to build relations with Chinese stakeholders.
“Although we have not been directly involved with the Changshu innovation park and cooperation plan, we are very pleased to see that the branding and export efforts we are involved in in China are yielding results and that the Nordics are seen as attractive partners. The innovation park can hopefully help Nordic businesses establish themselves in the Chinese market and contribute to create even more sustainable, liveable and smart cities for Chinese citizens”, says Senior Innovation Adviser Rasmus Malmborg from Nordic Innovation.