Nordic Innovation at COP26

06.11.2021 - 08.11.2021
10:00 - 14:30
Nordic COP26 Hub, Kaisaniemenkatu 9, Finland
Nordic Innovation's Iiris Tarvonen and Niina Aagaard at COP25 in Copenhagen.

Nordic Innovation is proud to host four events during COP26. Join us at the Nordic COP26 Hub in Helsinki or through our digital channels.

Watch the recorded livestreams from the events below.

Saturday 6 November we hope to engage you around the question on circular economy and business models together with Accenture. On Monday 8 November, we will talk about decarbonizing the maritime sector and Nordic sustainable avviation with Nordic Energy Research, as well as discussing water management in future Nordic cities.

Come join us! 

NB: All event times are local Helsinki times.

Event 1: Circular Economy – Good for Climate, Good for Business

Circular Economy from strategy to implementation: the future working business models and ecosystems – examples from the Nordics.

Date and time:
6 November, 10:00–11:30

Nordic COP 26 Hub, Nordic Culture Point
Kaisaniemenkatu 9, Helsinki

Go to event

Watch the livestream recording from event 1

Event 2: Nordic Sustainable Aviation – SkyMiles ahead?

Joint event in Helsinki and Glasgow. Hosted together with Nordic Energy Research.

8 November, 10:15–11:00 (joint event in Helsinki and Glasgow)

Nordic COP26 Hub, Nordic Culture Point
Kaisaniemenkatu 9, Helsinki

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Watch the livestream recording from event 2

Event 3: Fit for 2055? En route to decarbonizing the maritime sector

Joint event in Helsinki and Glasgow. Hosted together with Nordic Energy Research.

Date and time:
8 November, 11:15–12.00 (joint event in Helsinki and Glasgow)

Nordic COP 26 Hub, Nordic Culture Point
Kaisaniemenkatu 9, Helsinki

Go to event

Watch the livestream recording from event 3

Event 4: Water Management in Future Nordic Cities

Envisioning the Nordics as the world’s most water-smart region.

8 November, 13:30–14.30

Nordic COP26 Hub, Nordic Culture Point
Kaisaniemenkatu 9, Helsinki

Read more

Watch the livestream recording from event 4

The Nordic COP26 Hub

You do not have to fly all the way to Glasgow to participate in the UN Climate negotiations this year. The Nordic Council of Ministers have set up the Nordic COP26 Hub – a virtual backdoor from Helsinki into the UN climate negotiations in Glasgow, UK.

Here, you can take part in a wide range of climate events, and be able to follow and participate in discussions taking place in Glasgow where the world leaders will meet to solve the climate crisis.

Check out all the action at the Nordic COP26 Hub

Learn more about the Nordic co-operation at COP26 in Glasgow


Lena Henriksson - Head of Communication

Lena Henriksson

Head of Communication
Visionary change maker who believes in a good strategy. Combined communication and marketing expert with working experience from the broadcasting businesses Swedish Radio and UR. Walked from Media to Business and became responsible for marketing, corporate communication and PR in startups and institutes. Interested in making a difference with great communication.

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