The Nordic Trade Promotion Organizations in Canada are hosting a 3-day digital competition on energy, construction and the circular economy, in partnership with the Town of Oakville, Minto Communities and the Vancouver Economic Commission.
The aim of the Hackathon is to develop innovative solutions for the Town of Oakville’s upcoming Oakvillage development by Minto Communities. Participating companies will have the chance to show why their products and services will be the best fit for the Town of Oakville. The 3 days will consist of an opening digital panel discussion, time to develop a solution in teams, closing presentations, and an announcement of the winning solution.
The event is an official WCEFonline side event.
The hackathon is cofinanced by Nordic Innovation.
Hackathon focus
The competition will focus on innovative circular energy and construction solutions for phase 4 of the Oakvillage development by Minto Communities. With phase 1 -3 of Oakvillage at different stages of completion, teams will look closely at Oakvillage’s phase 4 development, possible retrofits to phase 1-3 and a clear connectivity throughout the entire development.
Who can participate?
Companies working in circularity with a focus on the following topics can participate:
Sustainable energy solutions (storage, production and distribution)
Sustainable building materials
Sustainable construction solutions
Climate resilience.
Price: There is a participation fee of 500 CAD.
Participating companies will have the opportunity to:
Showcase your innovative solutions to a global audience and relevant North American industry stakeholders
Expand your network
Engage in knowledge sharing practices
Closely collaborate with North American and Nordic industry stakeholders.
Read more and register here: Participate in the Nordic/Canadian circular economy hackathon.
Are you interested in learning more about circular economy, energy and construction? You have the opportunity to join the Nordic-Canadian Circular Economy Hackathons's opening panel discussion and closing presentations. Read more here.
The event is a part of the World Circular Economy Forum 2020 + 2021 Canada - Joint Nordic Activity project under the Nordic Sustainable Business Transformation program.