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Strengthening Nordic Testbed Networks: One-Stop-Funnel For Testing

Project 2022 - 2023 Closed

The aim of this project is to development the funnel that collects  and refines companies for actual product and solution testing at the TestBeds and LivingLabs.

During this project, a screening and evaluation method will be developed to meet the needs of the business life as well as health and medical professional. The goal is to create a screening and evaluation method that will prepare companies for testing in any area such as hospitals, elderly care, mental care, municipalities as well as drug management. The method will also be introduced to as many TestBeds and LivingLabs as possible, with the intention that the same method could be used for any company entering the testing funnel.

The project will contact and collect a large number of companies for the piloting phase and around 25 companies will test the method.

A minimum of 125 new solutions will be tested and 2/3 of them will be tested in more than one testbed across the Nordic countries.

The project will be hosting a series of webinars, online meetings as well as live meetings to enhance the commitment of all testbeds in the networks. During these meetings we will highlight the assessment tool's current state and the usage. The development of the method will then be guided by the feedback received through these discussions. The meetings will bring together different health area stakeholders such as testbeds, LivingLabs, cities and municipalities to share good practices on how to implement the assessment tool.

Project partners

partner image
Region Västerbotten

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Arnora Oy


The One-Stop-Funnel for Testing project is one of two projects funded under a call for proposals as a part of the Life Science and Health Tech program. The program is an effort to position the Nordics as a leading region within life science and health technology and support the vision of making the Nordic region the most integrated and sustainable in the world in 2030.

Read more about the Call for Proposals
