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#NordicMade x Healthtech Showcasing in Asia

Project 2019 - 2020 Closed

Nordic high-tech companies offer world class solutions within health tech, yet Nordic access to the large and growing markets of Asia remains limited. Nordic companies lack information, network and resources to identify relevant opportunities and access the Asian markets, while Asian stakeholders lack knowledge about Nordic solutions.

The #NordicMade x Healthtech Showcasing in Asia helps bridge this gap by taking the most promising Nordic health tech high-growth companies and relevant ecosystem actors to top innovation conferences in Taiwan and Hong Kong to showcase the world class solutions offered in the field to the extremely large and growing markets in Asia. Additionally, the Nordic health tech ecosystem will join forces at TechBBQ and Slush, the largest innovation conferences in the Nordics with global audiences.

Opportunities for companies to commercialize into the Asian region are very high, not just in terms of market access and funding, but also in relation to product development. Hospital, wellness, and healthcare systems in Asia are becoming increasingly innovative, and local governments in both Taiwan and the China Bay area are eager to engage in proof of concepts with foreign startups. Accessing this region will provide unique opportunities for product development, prototyping and production for both the Asian and European market.

#NordicMade is a community-based movement for branding, marketing and outreach of the Nordic high-tech ecosystem. This #NordicMade project is led by Asia House, a neutral, non-profit organization that strengthens ties between the Nordics and Asia, in partnership with TechBBQ, Innovation Skåne, Maria01, Icelandic Startups and Startup Extreme.

The partners work together with Nordic Innovation House Hong Kong on the showcase.

Do you want to participate?

If you wish to apply, you can contact one of the project partners and they will guide you through the application process.

Lisa Mallner lisa(a)

Peter Johansen pj(a)

Alexander Proctor alexander.proctor(a)

Project partners:

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Asia House Denmark

Peter Johansen
Project leader

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Nicklas Pavoncelli
Project partner

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Innovation Skåne

Project partner

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Kim Oguilve
Project partner

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Icelandic Startups

Salome Guðmundsdóttir
Project partner

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startup Extreme

Project partner
