Construction site

Nordic Sustainable Construction

Project 2021 - 2024 Closed

The goal of this project is to create a green transition with green growth in the Nordic societies by working towards carbon neutrality and a sustainable circular and bio-based economy based on knowledge, innovation, mobility and digital integration.

The project is contributing to vision 2030 within the realm of construction and works to support the Nordics in becoming a leading region in sustainable and competitive construction with minimized environmental and climate impact.

Work packages

The project will work around four work packages:

Nordic harmonisation of life cycle assessment

This work package is concerned with harmonizing Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) across the Nordics so that design and construction companies will be able to offer low carbon solutions in all the Nordic countries.

Sustainable construction materials and architecture

The aim of this work package is to function as a change agent that challenges the existing Nordic construction and architectural industry and identifies barriers and opportunities for efficient implementation, and debate practices for sustainable construction materials.

Emission-free construction sites

This work package aims to support a transition to emission free construction sites through policymaking and through building the required competency and capacity in the building sector. Currently, none of the Nordic countries have set normative criteria for emission-free construction sites and the Nordics thus have a unique opportunity to harmonize regulations and guidelines.

Capacity building within reuse of construction materials and international collaborations

This work package is responsible for the overall external and internal communication of the knowledge created in the project. This work package will also lead the capacity-building efforts across the Nordic countries to support selected parts of the construction value chain in gaining the skills needed to increase the reuse of building materials in the Nordic region.

The project team behind Nordic Sustainable Construction will work with these four work packages.

On top of the four work packages, Nordic Innovation will work with a fifth work package under the Sustainable Construction program.

Circular business models and procurement

This work package aims to integrate circular thinking into the business models of the Nordic construction companies and their value chains to support the overall goal of minimizing the environmental and climate impact in the Nordic construction industry while still maintaining their competitiveness.

Project partners

The project is developed in collaboration with Ministry of Environment of Finland, Form Design Center, Government of Iceland and Danish Housing and Planning Authority.

Read more about the project


Nordic Sustainable Construction is a part of the Sustainable Construction program which is one of the eight initiatives launched by the five Nordic Ministers of Trade and Industry.

Read more about the Sustainable Construction program


Marthe Haugland - Senior Innovation Adviser

Marthe Haugland

Senior Innovation Adviser
Marthe combines her international experience with her knowledge of business development and innovation to promote Nordic cooperation within the circular economy. She belives Nordic cooperation can drive the systemic change and give Nordic companies a competitive edge going forward.

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