Copper mine in Turku Finland

The Nordic Supply Potential of Critical Metals and Minerals for a Green Energy Transition 2.0

Project 2025 Active

Critical raw materials (CRM) are raw materials of high importance to the economy and whose supply is associated with high risk. In 2021, Nordic geological surveys and research institutes co-authored – under commission to Nordic Innovation – a report “The Nordic Supply Potential of Critical Metals and Minerals for a Green Energy Transition”. The report emphasized the urgent need for mapping the availability and demand of CRMs in the Nordic industrial ecosystems and to envision the Nordic strongholds in the context of green energy transition. The existing information on CRMs was assessed from the Nordic perspective with background and recommendations for further research projects.

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Since 2021, Europe has updated its views on CRM’s partly due to the energy transition needs, but also due to the geopolitical situation and emerging need for self-sufficiency. The EU updated its list of CRM’s in 2023, now with a subgroup of strategic raw materials (SRM) that are of special importance for strategic sectors such defense and high-tech industries. The 2023 lists were adopted into the 2024 Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) in slightly adjusted versions.

The purpose of this project is to update the 2021 report in the light of the updated European raw material needs and viewpoints. The focal point in the 2021 report is on the primary resource potential of the Nordic countries, but more emphasis will now be placed on security matters such as defense technology needs.

Project partners

The project will be led by Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), and the following partner organizations are involved in the project: Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), University of Iceland (HI), Iceland GeoSurvey (ÍSOR) and Ministry of Business, Trade, Mineral Resources, Justice, and Gender Equality, Government of Greenland.
