Construction site

Nordic Network on marine based low carbon construction materials

Project 2023 Closed

A new network - The Nordic Blue Building Alliance - will work towards the overall goals of filling the knowledge gap about marine biobased building materials and lowering carbon emissions in the construction sector, outline an environmental impact survey in the production supply chain and explore concrete business models for marine based building material.

The Alliance will also create and deliver a Technical Playbook on Marine based Low Carbon Construction for cities including the following elements:

  • Highlight environmental consequences in the marine environment and map key technical principles in the Nordic building codes (alternative building material, re-use, substitute)
  • Typologies of building, material and application types
  • Context regulations, legal and technical issues (Acoustics, Durability ect.)
  • Practical check lists during procurement processes, insight of concrete business models and relevant case studies

The Playbook will be developed to support Nordic stakeholders, researchers, policymakers and planners to overcome technical challenges, explore business models and grow the opportunity for cities to access and utilize marine bio-based building material. The Playbook will be designed as “a technical guidance that is not too technical".

Download the Marine Biobased Building Materials Playbook

Project partners

The project consortium consists of 10 partners, covering both private companies, universities, knowledge institutions and municipalities, working closely together throughout the project period. The project is led by Arup.


This project is financed under the Sustainable Construction program which is one of the eight initiatives launched by the five Nordic Ministers of Trade and Industry. The aim of the Sustainable Construction program is to make the Nordics a leading region in sustainable and competitive construction and housing with minimized environmental and climate impact.

Read more about the Sustainable Construction program


Marthe Haugland - Senior Innovation Adviser

Marthe Haugland

Senior Innovation Adviser
Marthe combines her international experience with her knowledge of business development and innovation to promote Nordic cooperation within the circular economy. She belives Nordic cooperation can drive the systemic change and give Nordic companies a competitive edge going forward.

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