Microscopes in a row on a bench.

Nordic Medtech Growth 2

Project 2015 - 2017 Closed

Back in 2014, the Nordic trade associations for medical technology set out to help increase the success rate for implementation and commercialisation of new health and welfare technology in the Nordics by creating guidelines and networks.

After about three years of hard work, the Nordic Medtech Growth 2 project has delivered on their goals.

Practical guides

Together, the project partners have made practical guides for both Value-Based Procurement (VBP) documentation and for Health Technology Assessment (HTA) processes, which can be downloaded for free below:

The guides help Nordic medtech companies and value chains understand how the Nordic countries are working with Value-Based Procurement and HTA processes in the health sector.

Creating a large network

The project partners have also conducted and participated in more than 100 conferences, workshops, expert committee’s meetings between the industry, government and health professionals both on Nordic and country level throughout the project period.

Through thorough engagement with Nordic healthcare professionals and suppliers, the project partners have managed to build a solid network between the industry, professional heath customers and the government side for Nordic collaboration on HTA and VBP.

Developing a Nordic ecosystem for health innovation

The project is one of the seven projects funded under the Innovative Nordic Health and Welfare Solutions call that was launched in 2014. The aim of the call was to unite and strengthen efforts across the Nordics to develop a Nordic ecosystem for health innovation and create opportunities for Nordic businesses through a closer connection between developers, demanders and test environments.

The call is part of the lighthouse project Innovative Nordic Welfare Solutions initiated by the five Nordic ministries of business through the Nordic Co-operation Programme for Business and Innovation Policy 2014-2017. The project shall contribute to making the Nordics a leading region in developing and exporting innovative health and welfare solutions.

Project parters:

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Medtek Norway (lead)


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Swedish Medtech


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Healthtech Finland


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