Factors like networking, access to role models and mentors seem to affect the low level of female entrepreneurs. There is therefore a need for continuous focus on female entrepreneurship. The OECD and European Commission have strengthened their focus on women entrepreneurship and so must the Nordic countries. Nordic Innovation is therefore initiating a process to map the challenges in the Nordics for female entrepreneurs and the best way to lessen the gap.
Read the 2020 study: Female Entrepreneurship in the Nordics 2020.
The main objective of the initiative
- Increase the number of female applicants to national programs for small and medium-sized enterprises and increase awareness about funding opportunities for female entrepreneurs.
- Increase number of female entrepreneurs and female owners in the Nordics.
- Increase awareness of the opportunities for international networking and competence development that the national innovation agencies offer.
- Increase the international competitiveness of Nordic companies. Nordic companies should understand the business relevance of gender equality (and diversity and inclusion) in terms of
- Increased productivity
- Better understanding of customer and customer's need; increased market shares
- Increased attractiveness as employers; easier access to (national and international) competence and skills
- Increased innovation capacity in society and industry; increased awareness of the role gender equality plays in this.
The Nordic Task Force for Diversity
The Nordic task force for diversity consist of members from all the Nordic countries together with Nordic Innovation.
The objective of the task force is to identify obstacles, learn from each other’s programs and identify possible measures to initiate on a Nordic level.
The aim of the task force is to make the Nordic innovation ecosystem more gender equal.
Members of the Nordic Task Force for Diversity
Siv Isabel Eide, Innovation Norway
Annie Lindmark, Vinnova
Moa Persdotter, Vinnova
Anette Nørgaard, Vækstfonden
Julie Munck Ewert, Danish Business Authority
Heli Karjalainen, Business Finland
Maija Kāle, the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia
Trine Moa, Nordic Innovation
Marthe Haugland, Nordic Innovation
Unconventional Ventures - The Startup Funding Report
The untapped potential in the Nordic Ecosystem and beyond
The untapped potential in the world's most equal region
Supported by Nordic Innovation.