The Nordic countries perform poorly
About half of global climate emissions could be eliminated through minimizing extraction and maximizing the use, reuse, and recycling of materials. The Nordic countries perform poorly; they are all below the global average in terms of. On a positive note, there is a growing willingness in the business community to act.
A circular transition may be our only realistic chance to reach climate goals since the progress of all other measures is too slow. Therefore, optimizing conditions for corporate transition should be a priority.
Method and Scope
The analysis will cover both a quantitative and qualitative study of all Large Cap, MidCap, and SmallCap companies in the Nordics. The study also includes interviews with researchers and a wide range of experts. We will present the analysis in two publications:
1. A Swedish interim report (in Swedish) presenting data from the study with a national perspective.
2. A Nordic report (in English) analyzing the circular maturity of companies across countries and industries.
Not another report
There are national and international top-down studies on material flows (the so-called Circular Gap reports are among the most important). However, a large-scale, data-driven bottom-up investigation of the maturity and progress of corporate circular transitions has not yet been conducted. The questions sought to be answered are critical to enabling a substantive discussion on how to accelerate business transition, including how to design effective policies.
Nordic impact
The project facilitates a highly relevant baseline analysis with harmonized Nordic data on corporate circular transition. With relatively small resources, it contributes to a significant potential impact as the study can enable data-driven guidance for businesses and prioritizations for political actions.