Picture of the sea from the Faroe Islands in 2017

Nordic Marine Innovation Program

Program 2011 - 2014 Closed

The program is the first of its kind in bringing the marine industry together across the borders in the Nordic countries.

A main premise of the marine innovation program is to have businesses take ownership and an active role in the projects.

In the initial phase of the program the industry’s needs were investigated, through several studies, with focus on innovation and competitiveness in the global market. This uncovered some overall challenges such as sustainability, future competence and a better general perception of the sector. These challenges could be met by finding and developing innovative solutions for recruitment, increased sustainability and image building.


Based on the studies, in close dialogue with the industry and the program’s funding consortium an initiative was built to create Nordic added value in the marine sector.

The aim of the program is to enhance the innovation capability in the Nordic marine sector and thereby its profitability and competitiveness in a global market.

Fourteen projects

About 100 people are involved in the projects that were funded through the programme. The participants are from the entire Nordic region and Canada.

The diversity in the projects shows that the programme is serious about meeting the identified challenges. The projects range from automated pin bone removal in white fish, utilization of algae for energy purposes, to projects aiming to improve the attractiveness of the sector.

The projects will not only realize innovative ideas in the Nordic marine sector, but also increase the sector's innovative competence, through participation in the program and its network.


The total budget for the program was 109 million NOK of which Nordic Innovation contributed 40 million.

Other members and funding partners in the Nordic Marine Innovation Program were Fisheries Research Fund Iceland, Innovation Norway, Fiskvinnugranskning Faroe Islands, Nordic Working Group for Fisheries Co-operation and Nora.