Funded joint Nordic events

Project 2017 - 2019 Closed

These are the joint Nordic activities funded by Nordic Innovation through the Nordic Sustainable Cities project.

The activities will promote Nordic solutions for sustainable, smart and liveable cities to relevant stakeholders from outside the Nordic region. 

Round 7

Nordic-UK Sustainable Cities Partnership

The aim of the Nordic-UK Sustainable Cities Partnership is to cement the Nordics' joint responsibility and relationship with the UK in combating climate change through a collaborative workshop series based in London.

The workshops will focus on three specific thematic areas, namely, circular economy and waste management, urban mobility as well as integrated planning. This project will help increase collaboration between sustainable cities in the UK and the Nordics, as well as further strengthen the networks of Nordic stakeholders.

Organizers: Business Sweden (Project Lead), Business Finland, Innovation Norway and the Embassy of Iceland in London.

Contact person: Robin Bangs (Business Sweden),

The Nordic Smart City Model

The Nordic Smart City Model project will constitute a basis for future Nordic and international smart city collaboration, strengthening the brand of the Nordics as a leading smart city region and providing an alternative, people-centred smart city model to the world.

Activities will span across three phases, including several workshops in the Nordics for relevant smart city players, a mapping of the 10-15 best existing projects in the region, to a showcasing of the Nordic smart city model to an international audience.

Organizers: Design and Architecture Norway - DOGA (Project Lead), The Nordic Smart City Network, Bloxhub, Demos Helsinki, Danish Architecture Center – DAC, Nordic Edge, Nordic Urban Resilience Institute, Innovation Centre Iceland, Arctic Mayors Forum and Iceland Design Centre.

Contact person: Malin Kock Hansen (DOGA),

Nordic Solutions in Sewage and Sludge Treatment – An Offer to India

Building upon an established contact with relevant Indian stakeholders in Mumbai, the aim of the project is to bring innovative Nordic solutions within the water sector to Mumbai, Indore and Pimpari in India. As such, several value chains will be created where Nordic companies can collaborate in order to provide full-scale solutions to various water-related challenges in these cities.

Project activities range from an information platform, matchmaking sessions, and a pre-study which will build a base for establishing a full-scale project.

Organizers: IVL – Swedish Environmental Research Institute (Project Lead), CAMBI Group, Scania AB, Gasum Corporation, Nordic Water Product AB and CSIR – National Environmental Engineering Research Institute.

Contact person: Rupali Deshmukh (IVL),

Sustainable Nordic Solutions for urban developments in Southeast Asia 2020

The project will create a “Smart City Program” which will strengthen the Nordic brand within sustainable urban development and help guide Nordic companies to the Southeast Asian and Singapore smart city market. Activities include promotion of Nordic sustainable city solutions, business support for Nordic startups, study tours, networking events and information sharing.

Organizers: Innovation Norway in Singapore (Project Lead), Business Sweden in Singapore, Embassy of Finland in Singapore, Embassy of Denmark in Singapore, Embassy of Iceland in Tokyo and the Nordic Innovation House Singapore.

Contact person: Per Christer Lund (Innovation Norway in Singapore),

Round 6

Nordic Edge China 2020

The aim of Nordic Edge China is to offer an international Smart City platform to enable knowledge exchange, to share experiences, and to foster collaborations between Nordics and China. For Chinese participants, it is an arena for networking and access to initiatives, past and present without travelling to Scandinavia and facing possible language barriers. For Nordic visitors, it poses an opportunity to experience large-scale Smart City projects first-hand and find potential business partners on the Chinese market.

Organisers: Nordic Edge (Project Lead), NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, Nordicflexhouse, Demos Helsinki, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Contact person: Michelle Snarberg (Nordic Edge),

Bringing Nordic Expertise to Brazilian Waste Opportunities

In the week of 21-25 October 2019, a delegation of Nordic companies will have the opportunity to attend two workshops related to the challenge of waste management over a 7-10-day period. The workshops will be held in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, in Brazil, and co-organised by this Nordic consortium. The Nordic stakeholders will be able to meet representatives from both cities as well as Brazilian local companies and start-ups to showcase Nordic waste management solutions and to foster new international partnerships.

Organisers: CLEAN (Project Lead), Tillväxtverket, Innovation Norway

Contact person: Scott Allison (CLEAN),

Nordic Water Solutions for Global Challenges – Nordic Pavilion at IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition in Copenhagen

The IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition is the global event for water professionals covering the entire water cycle. This project aims to promote smart and innovative Nordic water and wastewater solutions worldwide by bringing together Nordic stakeholders to the congress held in Copenhagen 2020. The Nordic pavilion will serve as a networking platform between Nordic stakeholders and international visitors. Activities range from joint seminars, receptions, presenting solutions and facilitate meetings.

Organisers: The Norwegian National Committee for IWA/The Norwegian Water and Waste Water Association (Norsk Vann) (Project Lead), The Swedish National Committee for IWA/Svenskt Vatten, The Finnish Water Forum, SAMORKA

Contact person: Arne Haarr (The Norwegian National Committee for IWA/Norsk Vann),

Nordic Twist at International Passive House Conference 2019

The International Passive House Conference 2019 will be held in China with approximately 1000 industry leaders and innovators from around the world participating. This project entails a Nordic pavilion showcasing new Nordic technologies in green infrastructure and energy efficiency, a one-day seminar on the same topic with high-level Chinese representatives as well as match-making meetings with local Chinese enterprises and investors.

Organisers: Innovation Centre Denmark in Shanghai (Project Lead), Innovation Norway, Embassy of Iceland in Beijing, Business Finland in Beijing

Contact person: Søren Boutrup (Innovation Centre Denmark),

Round 5

The Nordics at Smart City World Expo in Barcelona 2019

A joint pavilion will once again take place at the world’s largest smart city trade fair and conference in Barcelona 2019. The pavilion serves as a networking platform between Nordic stakeholders and international visitors while also showcasing Nordic smart city solutions. This year, all Nordic countries have come together in the planning and execution of the pavilion, creating a united Nordic front at the Expo. Activities range from speed-meetings, networking opportunities and a Nordic roundtable workshop.
Organisers: Innovation Norway (Project Lead), Cleantech Scandinavia, CLEAN, Business Finland, Icelandic organisation (TBA)
Contact person: Grethe Bergsland (Innovation Norway)

Nordic Sustainable Cities – Travel Exhibition

The overall idea is to create a digitally accessible exhibition in close collaboration with Nordic companies and the export councils, that Nordic embassies and consulates around the world can use to promote Nordic sustainable city solutions – establishing a common Nordic story. Thus, the travel exhibition will form a strategic branding of Nordic urban solutions with the aim of increasing export of Nordic solutions to global markets whilst also creating more jobs across the Nordic region.
Organisers: Danish Architecture Center (Project Lead), DoGa, ArkDes, Iceland Design Centre
Contact person: Kristina Neel Jakobsen (Danish Architecture Center)

Nordic Smart City Summit and Nordic Edge USA

Building upon the previous Nordic Edge Expo’s in Stavanger, this year’s event will host a Nordic Smart City Summit with the aim of demonstrating the “best cases” of Smart City collaborations within the Nordics. In addition, a summary of this summit will be presented at the Nordic Edge USA Conference in Washington on November 14th 2019 with the goal of strengthening the Nordic brand and to create market potential for Nordic businesses.
Organisers: Nordic Edge (Project Lead), The Nordic Smart City Network, Forum Virium, Gate 21, State of Green, University of Stavanger, George Washington University
Contact person: Elisabeth Krey Jenssen (Nordic Edge)

Nordic Sustainable Cities Conference UAE 2019

The Nordic trade promotion agencies Innovation Norway, Business Sweden, Business Finland, and the Danish consulate in UAE are arranging a one-day Nordic Sustainable City Conference in Dubai in October of 2019. The aim is to brand and present Nordic technology and solutions within the smart city concept through plenary sessions, networking opportunities and showcase areas.
Organisers: Innovation Norway Dubai (Project Lead), Business Sweden UAE, Business Finland UAE, Consulate General of Denmark in UAE
Contact person: Per Christer Lund (Innovation Norway)

The Nordics at the European Utility Week 2019*

A joint Nordic pavilion will be established at the European Utility Week in Paris 2019. The aim is to bring together strong Nordic utilities, energy producers, research institutions and technology providers in order to showcase Nordic solutions and to further increase commercialization of Nordic technologies. Activities at the pavilion range from workshops, match-making sessions and presentations. All in all, the idea is to create stronger and closer ties within the energy sector – both among the Nordic actors as well as with the rest of the world.
Organisers: CLEAN (Project Lead), Nordic Edge Norway, InnoEnergy
Contact person: Sophia Grane R. Schroeder (CLEAN)
* This activity is funded by Nordic Energy Research.

Round 4

Nordic Pavilion ITS World Congress 2019 Singapore

Building upon previous years, a strong Nordic pavilion will yet again be displayed at the ITS World Congress in 2019 with the goal of strengthening the Nordic brand in urban development, build networks between Nordic and international stakeholders as well as boosting export of Nordic products and services. Activities held at the pavilion range from workshops, presentations, meetings and match-making opportunities.
Organisers: ITS Norway (Project Lead), ITS Denmark, ITS Sweden, ITS Finland
Contact person: Jenny Simonsen (ITS Norway)

Nordic Green – Smart Cities

The four Nordic embassies present in Dublin have come together to arrange a one-day workshop in the spring of 2019 with the aim to establish a forum where Nordic policies and business opportunities within smart city solutions are presented, and long-term partnerships between Irish and Nordic stakeholders are created. This will further build upon the strong “Nordic Green” brand that has been developed in Ireland over the last few years.
Organisers: Royal Norwegian Embassy in Ireland (Project Lead), Embassy of Finland in Ireland, Embassy of Denmark in Ireland, Embassy of Sweden in Ireland
Contact person: Arne Follerås (Royal Norwegian Embassy in Ireland)

Nordic Smart City Solutions – an offer to India and China

The project aims to strengthen the Nordic brand and network within the field of smart water solutions in India and China. Focusing on several key cities in both countries, Nordic companies will have the opportunity to present their smart water solutions during match-making events, seminars and conferences, with the goal of establishing concrete business opportunities. These sessions will be held in Pune, Mumbai, Goa and Delhi (India) as well as Beijing, Harbin City, Wuhan City and Tianjin City (China).
Organisers: IVL, Swedish Environmental Research Institute (Project Lead), Scania AB, Valmet, Tomra, Shri Ram Institute of Industrial Research, Royal Norwegian Embassy in India, Business Finland/Finnish Embassy in India, Embassy of Iceland in India, Business Sweden/Embassy of Sweden in India, Royal Danish Embassy in India, Ansh Infratech Private Limited
Contact person: Östen Ekengren (IVL, Swedish Environmental Research Institute)

Smart Water Solutions for Global Goals

The Nordic water and wastewater associations have come together to create a booklet containing concept notes and cases of Nordic smart water solutions and technologies, which is to be presented at the Amsterdam International Water Week (AIWW) in November of 2019. Furthermore, seminars and workshops will be arranged where these smart water solutions will be aimed towards global water stakeholders participating at AIWW. The goal is to promote Nordic water solutions which will contribute to meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Organisers: DANVA – Danish Water and Wastewater Association (Project Lead), Norsk Vann, Svenskt Vatten, FIWA – Finnish Water
Contact person: Miriam Feilberg (DANVA)

Smart Cities Exchange (SCiX) 2019

Smart Cities Exchange is a two-day conference held in Mexico City 29-30  May 2019, where representatives of Nordic cities, urban technologies and solutions companies share their experiences, business models, and innovative frameworks around sustainable smart cities with key decision-makers from cities in North America. The conference is an excellent opportunity for Nordic companies wanting to enter or increase their business in the North American market by maximising the Nordic brand and providing access to key stakeholders in the region.
Organisers: Nordiks Global (Project Lead), Mexico-Norway Business Council, Copenhagen Capacity, Business Finland, Embassy of Sweden in Mexico, Embassy of Denmark in Mexico
Contact persons: Richardt E. Fangel and Humberto Olivo (Nordiks Global) /

Round 3

Nordic Efficiency

The Nordic embassies and trade council in Paris will hold a Nordic Efficiency masterclass on the Nordic governance model of ecological transition, district heating and sustainable construction in Bordeaux. This event will provide an ample opportunity for Nordic countries and companies to brand and network with different sectors in the region. A 2nd event will be held later during the year with the aim to establish viable projects in this region between the Nordic and French counterparts.
Organisers: Norwegian Embassy in Paris, Innovation Norway in Paris, Embassy of Denmark in Paris, Business Sweden in Paris, Embassy of Finland in Paris/Team Finland, Embassy of Iceland in Paris
Contact person: Ragna Fidjestøl (Norwegian Embassy in Paris)

Nordic Pavilion at Ecomondo Exhibition 2018

A joint Nordic pavilion will be showcased at the Ecomondo Exhibition and Conference in Rimini, Italy. The pavilion will help promote a common Nordic philosophy for sustainable, smart and livable cities in order to strengthen the Nordic brand within sustainable urban development. Activities held at the pavilion range from presentations, mini-seminars, match-making as well as networking opportunities.
Organisers: Innovation Norway, Business Sweden, Danish Consulate, Finnish Consulate, Babcock & Wilcox Vølund, Molok Oy
Contact person: Rolf H. Sørland (Innovation Norway)

Sino Nordic Urban Smart City Development Cooperation

A two-day Sino Nordic conference addressing the Chinese urban development market will be held in Stockholm with participation from key stakeholders from the Nordic countries and China. The aim is to establish long-term collaborations between the Nordic countries in order to promote and export sustainable urban solutions to the Chinese market.
Organisers: Sweden China Trade Council, Nordicflexhouse, Helsinki Business Hub, Healthtech Finland, Norway Healthtech, Norwegian Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Danish Chinese Business Forum
Contact person: Elisabet Söderström (Sweden China Trade Council)

Nordic Water Solutions for Global Challenges

There will be a joint Nordic effort to promote Nordic solutions and boost export of water technologies at the 2018 IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition in Tokyo, Japan. Activities held in the Nordic exhibition area range from presentations, seminars and other networking opportunities. This will strengthen the Nordic brand towards the global water sector as well as strengthening Nordic collaborations. The long-term aim is to demonstrate a strong Nordic presence at this event in order to set the stage for the 2020 IWA Congress held in Copenhagen.
Organisers: The Danish National Committee for IWA/Danish Water and Waste Water Association (DANVA), The Swedish National Committee for IWA, The Norwegian National Committee for IWA/Norsk Vann, SAMORKA
Contact person: Anders Bækgaard (The Danish National Committee for IWA/Danish Water and Waste Water Association (DANVA))

Implementation of Circular Economy Solutions for Promoting Smart City Environment Using Healthcare as a Platform

A two-day conference and informal gathering sessions addressing circular economy in healthcare and urban settings will be held in Israel in order to expose key Israeli stakeholders to Nordic circular solutions. The aim is to establish Nordic-Israeli collaboration and research on the resource connection between urban environments and city hospitals.
Organisers: TEM at Lund University / Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare, Upgraded, Embassy of Sweden in Tel Aviv, Embassy of Finland in Tel Aviv, Embassy of Denmark in Tel Aviv, AICEE
Contact person: Daniel Eriksson (TEM at Lund University / Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare)

ITS World Congress 2018

The City of Copenhagen will be hosting the 25th ITS World Congress in 2018 which focuses on how ITS solutions can contribute towards livability, greener environment and higher quality of life. A joint Nordic pavilion will be fronted during this congress in order to showcase and promote Nordic ITS solutions to a global audience with the ultimate aim of strengthening Nordic collaboration and to establish long-term international connections and partnerships.
Organisers: City of Copenhagen, ITS Sweden, ITS Norway, ITS Finland
Contact person: Ulla Payreen Lüders (City of Copenhagen)

Round 2

The Nordics at Smart City World Expo in Barcelona 2018

A joint Nordic pavilion will be set up at the Smart City World Expo in Barcelona to strengthen the Nordic brand and serve as cost effective entrance to the expo for Nordic companies. Furthermore, the pavilion will be used for hosting international visitors, networking activities, workshops and matchmaking.
Organisers: Innovation Norway, Cleantech Scandinavia, CLEAN, Business Finland
Contact person: Grethe Bergsland (Innovation Norway)

Nordic Waste to Energy Solutions - an offer to India and China

The project will result in establishing an information and branding platform for Nordic waste to energy solutions, followed by matchmaking events and a pre-study. There will be presentations and a seminar in Copenhagen and Stockholm, in addition to matchmaking sessions and pre-studies in Mumbai and Pune (India) and in Beijing, Harbin, and Wuhan (China).
Organisers: IVL, Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Scania AB, Valmet, Vølund Varmeteknik A/S, Shri Ram Institute of Industrial Research
Contact person: Östen Ekengren (IVL)

The Future of Hamilton: Nordic Inspiration & Innovation for Affordable & Sustainable Housing

A workshop (Urban Lab) will be held in May 2018 in Hamilton, Canada, with participants from a Nordic delegation, officials from the City of Hamilton, relevant Canadian public organisations and private companies. Open innovation challenges on affordable and sustainable housing will also be set up.
Organisers: Climate KIC / Nordic, Quercus Group, Solved – The Clean Tech Company Ltd, Global Utmaning & IFHP, Royal Consulate Generals of Sweden and Denmark, City of Hamilton.
Contact person: Peter Normann Vangsbo (Climate KIC/ Nordic)

Round 1

Nordic Edge China

A Chinese version of the Nordic Edge Expo conference in Stavanger, Norway. The Chinese event will serve as bridge between the Nordic region and China on smart cities, and will be held in January 2019.
Organisers: Nordic Edge, NTNU, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Demos Helsinki, Bright Planet
Contact person: Herbjørn Tjeltveit (Nordic Edge)

Open Innovation Days (OID): Smart City Challenges for 100 Smart Cities program in India

Successful event concept from the Nordic region applied to five cities in India. The concept involves matching solution providers and customers, and will be held in spring 2018.
Organisers: Climate KIC, Quercus Group ApS, National Institute of Urban Affairs, NAVIGO, Business Region Gothenburg, Indian Smart City Network
Contact person: Peter Vangsbo (Climate KIK)

Sustainable Urban Solutions  Partner with the Nordics

A business-focused side event for the Clean Energy Ministerial & Mission Innovation in Copenhagen, May 2018.
Organisers: CLEAN, Innovasion Norge, Tillväxtverket, Finpro, Promote Iceland, Cleantech Scandinavia, Climate-KIC Nordic
Contact person: Michael Johansen (CLEAN Cluster)

Joint Nordic Pavilion at IE Expo 2018

A joint pavilion at the leading Chinese exposition for clean tech, the IE Expo in July 2018.
Organisers: The Trade Council of Denmark, Finpro, Innovation Norway
Contact person: Yike Qin (The Trade Council of Denmark)

Nordic Urban Mobility Innovation

The Nordic Urban Mobility Innovation (NUMI) project will showcase how Nordic cities and startups are developing new urban mobility solutions to reduce car traffic. The project is an alliance between several small and innovative Nordic startups.
Organisers: CityTrike, Clean Motion AB, Tuup Oy Ltd, Velove, Ewii Mobility, Electric Mobility Network
Contact person: Morten Rynning (CityTrike)

India Urban Lab

A workshop or urban lab that brings together Nordic companies and experts with city officials, relevant companies and organisations in Panaji, a city in the Indian state of Goa. Panaji is part of the 100 Smart Cities program in India. The urban lab will be held in February 2018.
Organisers: Global Utmaning, Suomi-Finland Housing and Planning Association, The Royal Danish Embassy in India, Integrated Design Bangalore, The City of Panaji, International Federation for Housing and Planning (IFHP).
Contact person: Ditte Amskov (Global Utmaning)
