Nordic Scalers ScaleUp Academy
A powerful scale-up program for continuous growth.
The five Nordic partners joined forces to offer a dynamic growth program open to all Nordic growth-potential companies, regardless of their sector. The consortium consists of experienced business scalers with the first-hand experience of entrepreneurship or working with scaleup companies. Nordic Scalers ScaleUp Academy provides a proven methodology to efficiently scale companies to the next level and to unleash the company’s highest potential.
The program will open for applications for a second batch of companies by the end of April 2022.
Nordic Scalers ScaleUp Academy is a one-year program that includes 11 monthly digital workshops that go through the critical stepping stones for a growing company. The program is based on Di ScaleUp’s (ScaleUp Academy) program, which has successfully scaled up 60 Swedish companies during the last three years. ScaleUp Academy is a registered trademark in Sweden, so the same name referring to the program was also introduced in this Nordic level program. In addition to the Di ScaleUp (ScaleUp Academy), the program partners are Verona Growth (formerly Avanto Ventures), ScaleUpXQ, Startup Foundation and Maria01.
With the program’s guidance, scaleup companies can move forward and avoid falling into the so-called valleys of death of business growth. The first death valley is encountered when a company’s staff grows to more than 10 people, the second when it exceeds 25 people, and the third when the company grows to more than 100 people. At all these stages, the company’s processes, management and hierarchy must evolve and scale so that the business can also scale.
Nordic Scalers ScaleUp Academy focuses on companies that are either struggling in the first valley of death or want to take preventive actions to not end up there. The main target group for the program are companies with 10 to 70 employees and a minimum turnover of EUR 2 million.
The participating company must have the potential and ambition to grow at least by 20% in the next few years. Additionally, commitment from the company’s management team is required, to dedicate time to develop their operations and strategy. Companies will be invited to join the program and they can also apply themselves. Funding for the program is available and can be applied from the public funding agency. Application for the program will open later this spring.
3-level program to unleash scaleup’s full potential
11-step program
The program includes 11 workshops, which will be organized digitally during the first year of the program. Each workshop will target different themes, including people, strategy, execution and cash. Additionally, an individual action plan is made for each quarter. Each workshop requires time and engagement from the participating companies. The time and resources used for the program will directly develop the business and are therefore a concrete investment to the company’s future. The lessons learned during the one-year program will become routines and best practices for the company’s everyday business.
1-to-1 Mentoring
Each scaleup company selected for the program will receive a carefully selected mentor to coach the company three times during the year. The mentors of the program have wide business experience and knowledge, are well-known at the Nordic level and represent different industries.
Since the program participants come from different Nordic countries, the program offers the opportunity to build national and international networks and get peer-to-peer support from other companies in a similar situation.
Project partners:
Contact person:
Pelle Tornell (Sweden)
Di ScaleUp
Jenni Uusitalo (Finland and the rest of the Nordics)
Verona Growth