Person with orange backpack hiking in a Swedish forest

Use-case for the Health, Demography and Quality of Life Program Due in April

A Nordic consortium consisting of Green Innovation Group (DK), Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare (SE), Upgraded (FI), the City of Oslo (NO) and Akademias (ICE) is behind the use-case.

In addition to visualize the effects of the Health, Demography and Life program vision and pave a way to bridge and utilize national and personal health data, the use-case will boost innovation in Nordic public and private sectors by using Nordic health data and create a foundation for a business case that can assess the effect on the Nordic economies of realizing the program vision.

The use-case will be developed by running simulations conducted in a series of workshops that were held in October through December last year, which included a wide array of public and private stakeholders from the Nordic health and life science sector, as well as other relevant stakeholders.

In addition, the simulations will be complemented with desktop studies and expert interviews.

The use-case will be based on previous work done under the Health, Demography and Quality of Life program – the Bridging Nordic Data report, the scenarios process run under the Nordic Health 2030 project, and the Nordic Interoperability Project.

The use-case is expected to be made public in April 2022.

Learn more about our efforts to make the Nordic region the most sustainable and integrated health region in the world by 2030
