This year’s WCEF theme is 'From Africa to the World', exploring African circular economy.
Nordic Innovation will 7 December host a high-level meeting in collaboration with Holland Circular Hotspot and African Circular Economy Network on circular hubs in Africa. The accelerator session 8 December 2022 is also in cooperation with Nordic Circular Hotspot.
Since 2018, Nordic Innovation has been an official partner to the World Circular Economy Forum and will continue this collaboration in 2022. The forum is a platform where thought leaders, businesses, organisations and governments, officials meet and discuss the developments of the circular economy globally. Nordic Innovation participates to ensure that the Nordics are part of these discussions. The Nordics have plenty good circular practises to share, but must also seek inspiration from others.
This year you can join our digital accelerator session: Bridging the Nordics and Africa through circular solutions.
The ambition is to strengthen the collaboration between the Nordic and African region. There will be speakers from both the Nordics and Africa showcasing good practices in circular economy.
Nordic presence in Kigali, Rwanda
A team from Nordic Innovation will be present in Kigali during the World Circular Economy Forum. Here we will promote Nordic circular solutions to global challenges and link with international networks around the circular economy.
If you wish to set up a meeting, you will find contact information to Peter Munch-Madsen and Marthe Haugland in the bottom of the article.
WCEF 2022
WCEF2022 is co-organised by the African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA), the Republic of Rwanda, the African Circular Economy Network (ACEN) and The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, with international partners.
Read more and see how to participate here
See the full WCEF 2022 programme
Stay tuned for more news in the near future!