Circularity in Technical Building Equipment: Current State and Opportunities

09:00 - 15:00
Vasagatan 12, Sweden
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Circular bygning

Do you want to pioneer in promoting circular solutions in technical building equipment?

We are happy welcome you to the Nordic Circularity Piloting Program for Technical Building Solutions! The Program kicks off with the first Value Chain Session on February 13:

Circularity in Technical Building Equipment: Current State and Opportunities

The first session provides an overview of circularity in technical building equipment, focusing on the current state and emerging opportunities. Participants will gain insights from industry cases and hear from companies actively engaged in the circular economy.


09.00Welcome & Introduction to the Program
09.30State of circularity & circularity in the construction industry in the Nordics
09.50 Circularity in technical installations
10.55Vision and emerging opportunities in circularity
11.20Circularity calls for new cooperations
11.45Closing Words & Next Steps
13.00Companies pitching
14.00Speed dating between companies
15.00End of the Session


The event is a part of the Nordic Piloting Program for Circularity in Technical Building Solutions. The aim this initiative is to fast-track the development of circular solutions for technical building equipment, a major source of emissions in the construction industry.

Read more about the initiative here


Hanna Törmänen Innovation Adviser

Hanna Törmänen

Senior Innovation Adviser
Hanna has background in Nordic and international exports, public-private cooperation, project management and market analysis. Her focus at Nordic Innovation is to support Nordic businesses and ecosystems in their transition towards sustainable and circular business models.


Marthe Haugland - Senior Innovation Adviser

Marthe Haugland

Senior Innovation Adviser
Marthe combines her international experience with her knowledge of business development and innovation to promote Nordic cooperation within the circular economy. She belives Nordic cooperation can drive the systemic change and give Nordic companies a competitive edge going forward.

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