Nordic Edge Expo: The Covid Impact on Young Adults’ Mental Health

12:00 - 13:30
Register for Nordic Edge Expo (free)
Woman sitting on top of a mountain looking at the landscape

Nordic Innovation is co-hosting a workshop on the Covid impact on young adults’ mental health at Nordic Edge Expo 2021 together with Norway Health Tech and Norwegian Smart Care Cluster.

The Covid impact on young adults’ mental health – how to address the challenges

The pandemic threw us into a new reality, and it caused challenges of loneliness, unemployment, uncertainty – anxiety for the future. We are now seeing the contours of the end of Covid – what now?

The pandemic has had a duration that proportionally is a large part of the lives of young adults. In a phase of life that is normally characterized by exploration, identity building and detachment, life has been on pause. Arenas for exploration have ceased or been severely limited, and important transitions to adult life suffer. And the pandemic made access to the labor market especially difficult for young adults and graduates. All of this puts many young adults in a situation where they struggle with loneliness and other mental health issues.

What measures can we take to proactively prevent a generation of citizens struggling with exclusion from work life and long-term mental health issues after the pandemic? How do we meet the challenges already there? And how can we utilize health data and make use of artificial intelligence in this challenge?

The workshop is part of the Nordic Edge Expo 2021 – a hybrid conference with a full digital programme and physical events in Stavanger. The workshop will be hosted digitally and requires registration for Nordic Edge Expo. Then you will get access to a platform where you can participate in the workshop.

Register for Nordic Edge Expo (free)

The workshop will be held in English.


12:00Welcome and short introduction
Anita Moe Larsen, moderator, Norway Health Tech
12:05The Nordic angle
Rasmus Malmborg, Senior Innovation Adviser, Nordic Innovation
12:15Setting the stage part I – what happened to us during covid?
Thea Maria Rytterager, VP, Youth Mental Health
12:25Setting the stage part II – what are the challenges youth and young adults are facing? What are challenges the healthcare system meet every day?
Morten Ørbæk, Head of Department of Children's and Adolecents' Mental Health, Oslo University Hospital (OUS)
12:40Fireside chat
Morten Ørbæk (OUS)
Mads Bruun Høy (Æra)
Dr Jonas Jeppesen (Zyberia, MD)
Marie Paldam Folker (Director of Centre for Telepsychiatry Region of South Denmark)
Thea Maria Rytterager (VP, Youth Mental Health)
13:30Wrap-up and next steps
Identify call from Nordic Innovation and invite for collaboration on answering the call.


Nordic Innovation is co-hosting this workshop together with Norway Health Tech and Norwegian Smart Care Cluster as part of our Life Science and Health Tech program, which aims to make the Nordics a leading region within life science and health technology.