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Health Use Case

Visualising the effect of a realized Vision 2030 on Nordic businesses.
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On assignment from Nordic Innovation, a Nordic Consortium led by Green Innovation Group (DK) with Nordic Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (SE), Upgraded (FI), Oslo Municipality (NO), and Akademias (IS) have conducted this Use-Case that simulates the effect of Vision 2030 on Nordic Business.
The Use-Case is based on several Nordic Innovation projects executed under the Health, Demography and Quality of Life Program, such as the Bridging Nordic Data: Legal Overview (Deloitte, 2020), Scenario Process and the Nordic Interoperability Project.

The goals of the use-case are to:

  • Visualize the effects of a realization of the Vision 2030
  • Path a way to bridge and utilize national and personal health data
  • Boost innovation in Nordic public and private sectors

This Use-Case also lays foundation for a Business Case that assesses the fiscal effects on the economies of the Nordic Countries if Vision 2030 of the Health, Demography, and Quality of Life program is realized. The Business Case will be published in the fall of 2022.

We hope that this report will facilitate the realization of Vision 2030 and inspire Nordic Business and decision makers to joins us on this journey. As demonstrated in the report there is a lot to be gained and the positive effects of a realized Vision 2030 will affect countless aspects of Nordic Business and contribute to improving the Quality of Life in the Nordic region.
