Report front page featuring a photo of a semi-truck in a mountain landscape.

Next Wave: Large-scale Hydrogen Use in Nordic Industry 2020-2030

An overview of large-scale hydrogen use in Nordic industry in the period 2020-2030.
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There is a different level of industrial production and use of hydrogen in Nordic countries.

Norway and Finland are the largest producers and consumers of hydrogen. In Sweden, the amounts are slightly less, but there are large number of industrial sites with significant production and use of hydrogen. In Denmark and Iceland current use of hydrogen is at a lower level.

In all Nordic countries there are significant possibilities for expansion of hydrogen use for new applications and for replacing current fossil fuel-based hydrogen production by low carbon hydrogen.

This publication gives an overview of large-scale hydrogen use in Nordic industry in the period 2020-2030.


The Next Wave project is co-financed by Nordic Innovation through the Nordic Smart Mobility and Connectivity program and will deliver an analysis on large-scale transport of hydrogen with mobile pipeline, a description of the innovation and business potential for a roll-out of FC-buses in the Nordic region, as well as a coordinated action plan for stimulating the FC truck demand and a prospect for utilising hydrogen in heavy-duty equipment.

Finally, the project will contribute to national and Nordic hydrogen strategy processes even providing input to a possible Nordic hydrogen strategy.


Nina Egeli - Senior Innovation Adviser

Nina Egeli

Senior Innovation Adviser
Internationalization, innovation and business development support, in combination with a strong background in strategy and policy development are main pillars in Nina’s professional life. Through project design and management, she aims to fit market needs with relevant services and opportunities that allows new business partnerships and business projects to prosper.

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