Man walking alongside a robot

AI and Data

Program 2021 - 2024 Active

All the Nordic countries have strongly regulated data environments based on common values and understanding of security and responsibility of collecting, sharing, and using data. Nordic countries can make public data a competitive advantage by collaborating on high-value data sets that can be made available across the Nordic region.

Collaboration contributes to:

  • Increased access to data that supports Nordic companies' digital opportunities and contribute to the development of new solutions and technologies such as artificial intelligence.
  • Increased Nordic opportunities for digital and data-driven interaction between relevant stakeholders, both in the public and private sector.

The challenge

New technologies such as automation, machine learning, big data and artificial intelligence bring innovative digital opportunities for the development of new business models that can act as a catalyst for the green transition in the Nordic region. The development also creates new opportunities for digital and data-driven interaction and makes it easier for a data-based innovation company to create new business opportunities based on data.

If the Nordic region is to realize the societal potential of the new technologies, to take part in digital growth and strengthen our potential as digital frontrunners, it is crucial that we ensure access to data that can support companies' digital opportunities and contribute to the development of new solutions and technologies such as artificial intelligence.

AI can help solve major societal challenges and provide significant benefits in a variety of areas. AI offers significant potential for the Nordic and Baltic countries in business and public sector activities. The potential lies in implementing today's technologies and know-how to increase efficiency and value creation, and in continued development where AI tools become more user friendly and are made available for broader use, and in the long term, are used in more areas of application.

AI systems based on incomplete or biased data can lead to inaccurate outcomes that infringe on people’s fundamental rights, including discrimination. Joint Nordic AI and data initiative reflects democratic value base of the Nordic countries and is implemented with cross sectorial and diverse ecosystem approach. The AI and Digitalization program also supports common Nordic FAIR data principles.

The objectives

The program is one of eight initiatives lunched by the five Nordic ministers of trade and industry. The initiatives represent a determined advance towards a stronger and more sustainable Nordic region and support the vision for the Nordic region to be the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030.

Strengthening AI and data capabilities of the Nordic companies and public-private ecosystem collaboration is needed to drive the Nordic region becoming a front runner in digitalization, AI and responsible use of data.

The approach

The program is build around three project areas:

Nordic Datasets: Identify and make public data across the Nordics available. As a first step, a Nordic AI and Data Hackathon was conducted during Spring 2022.

Nordic AI and Data Hackathon

Contributing to the launch of Nordic Innovation’s AI and Data Program 2021-2024, a Nordic AI and data hackathon was conducted on 18-19th March 2022. The report is looking into the main outcomes from the Nordic AI and Data Hackathon.

Download the report

Capabilities: Explore perspectives, needs and opportunities based on AI and Data for Nordic companies including the creation of a Nordic ecosystem as well as joint Nordic branding and exchange of experience between companies.

A mapping of Nordic AI and Data Ecosystem and Nordic Strongholds was completed during Spring 2022. This report lays the foundation for upcoming activities within the program.

The Nordic AI and data ecosystem

This report presents an overview of the Nordic ecosystem for the responsible use of data and ethical artificial intelligence (AI), both from the perspective of the Nordic region and the individual countries within it.

Download the report

Nordic Smart Government: Implementation of the Nordic Smart Government (NSG) roadmap for sharing data across the Nordic countries. This project is run by The Danish Business Authority.

Read more about the Nordic Smart Government

The Nordic countries will not achieve transformative change by acting alone. A Nordic approach to AI and data will support and contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the 2030 Agenda and work to strengthen the ambitions of EU Green Deal. It will also allow for ecosystem partners to take part in the Horizon Europe missions.

Program timeline


Olivia Rekman - Innovation Adviser

Olivia Rekman

Innovation Adviser
Prior to joining Nordic Innovation in 2022, Olivia has worked for several years as an innovation consultant. In her role, she helped international consortiums of SMEs, start-ups and large companies as well as universities, to secure soft funding for green & deep-tech innovation projects. Olivia holds an MSc in International Business & Politics, and founded a CSR consultancy in 2010. Besides her experience in navigating innovation ecosystems and international business development & public policy analysis, Olivia has lived and worked in all Scandinavian countries.

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Ville Mäkinen portret

Ville Mäkinen

Senior Innovation Adviser
Ville has broad experience in strategy, business development and corporate venture capital roles in industrial corporations striving towards green transition. He has also worked in corporate finance advisory. He holds M.Sc in Industrial Engineering and Management as well as M.Sc in Accounting and Finance.
