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Strategic Global Marketing and Communication of Nordic Cleantech Clusters and Competencies

Program 2012 - 2014 Closed

This program run by Sweden is responsible for making a visible and coherent presentation of Nordic environmental technology skills. Nordic Innovation made a mapping in 2011 which will be the base for a analysis of possible complementary activities in relation to national efforts to enhance green companies in the Nordic countries.

Growth over the past few decades have been important to the regeneration and growth in the Nordic economies. The number of growth companies and their ability to global breakthrough is a challenge for all Nordic countries. One area where Nordic companies are in front in terms of expertise is in environmental technologies. It is important that this is utilized effectively. Although the Nordic countries are strong players in the field, both technically and in terms of resources, studies show that environmental technology industry has an even greater potential to market its skills to receive business exchanges in emerging markets.

The Nordic countries form the world's 10th largest economy, which is an important argument that the environmental technology networks and, in extension, companies in each country have much to gain by connecting with each other and exchanging information and experiences. Working with communication and information of Nordic environmental technology and services against buyers in third countries, remains an important task to visualize the forces that the Nordic companies stand for.


The purpose of the program Communicating Nordic Green Solutions is to jointly highlight the Nordic competence on environmental technology and services to further strengthen the environmental technology companies in the Nordic region. Common communication can lift the countries' core competencies and possible synergies between these will bring a clear Nordic added value to the project. The program aims to strengthen the Nordic environmental technology global competitiveness.

The main target groups are international investors, policy makers (public and private) and other actors active within environmental technology.

Nordic Innovation contribution

Nordic Innovation will serve as the secretariat and be responsible for keeping the project together. The selection of actions and strategic choices are decided by a steering committee consisting of government representatives from each Nordic country, the Nordic Council of Ministers' Secretariat and Nordic Innovation.

Program outline

The program aims to communicate the Nordic region as powerful, attractive, and globally competitive when it comes to environmental technology and services. The communication will build on work already completed and implemented in order to present Nordic technology and solutions.

Examples of action to further develop and take advantage of: Expo Shanghai, Nordic Cleantech Open, NETS - Nordic Environmental Technology Solutions and Nordic Green in Silicon Valley and Japan.

It is important that the project aims to complement existing national initiatives and programs to promote green technology.


Nordic Innovation is the facilitator and co-ordinator of the project. Implementations are done jointly by representatives from the organizations of the Steering Group: The Swedish Energy Agency, Tekes, Danish Trade Council, Innovation Norway and Innovation Center Iceland.


The program was launched in 2012 and will end in 2014.