Render of the Soul of Nørrebro project showing Hans Tavsens park in Copenhagen

The Soul of Nørrebro

Project 2016 - 2017 Closed


  • SLA (DK)
  • ArkiLab (DK)
  • Aydin Soei (DK)
  • Social Action (DK)
  • Den nationale platform for gadeidræt (DK)
  • Rambøll (DK)
  • Saunders Architecture (NO)

Jury evaluation extract: 

The proposal complies well with the charter principles in a convincing way. It is innovative in that it introduces a new type of climate change adaptation. The Soul of Nørrebro combines technological and social factors. In doing so, it solves flooding problems and creates community development. It proposes a social process involving local stakeholders with the purpose of creating ownership, co-creativity and a sense of community. It utilizes and enhances the energy and organization of local institutions like the school and the church. The Soul of Nørrebro takes the diversity of the area into account, has a humanistic approach and brings different disciplines together.

The jury finds the proposal of high esthetic value, where the play and flow of water brings logic to the landscape. With a blue-green approach it creates a new and unique model for flood management. It leverages utility investment for more holistic, sustainable and resilient results that create both social and technological benefits. The proposal breaks new ground and has development and export potential though a smart application of technical, cultural and social values.