Some sort of strings creating a network.

The Potential of Nordic Health Data – an International Metadata Symposium

Project 2019 Closed

The Nordics have some of the best health data assets in the world. They represent a unique opportunity to position the region as a world leading health innovation hub in utilizing health data for research and development of world-class personal health solutions to benefit patients, research and society.

Nordic and European countries share many of the same challenges as well as aspirations to implement concrete solutions aimed to digitalise and ensure better, more secure and flexible use of health data to support substantial value creation for patients and society, including new growth and business opportunities in the life science and healthtech sector.

Therefore, a consortium of Nordic partners engaged in a National Initiatives Network on the secondary use of well-being and health data wants to build a long-term concept for collaboration activities building and promoting Nordic health data assets to strengthen the ecosystem and attract new talents, companies and investments.

In this project, partners Copenhagen Healthtech Cluster, Swelife, Sitra and the Norwegian Directorate of e-Health will facilitate two concrete activities:

1. Symposium on the possibilities and benefits of data maps

National data maps or metadata catalogues ensures a smoother access to and use of health data by creating searchable overviews of national health data across register owners. Countries such as Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark have developed and launched national data maps but are facing mutual challenges in demonstrating and scaling the value and usability of the solution due to lack of funding for maintenance, promotion and further development.

The project will host a 3-5 hour symposium with presentations and breakout sessions in conjunction with the ISPOR Europe 2019 conference in Copenhagen to showcase possibilities and benefits of data maps to a relevant target group.

2. Digital campaign on Nordic health data

The project partners will develop a digital campaign that support the first steps in developing a joint value proposition and platform. The digital campaign will be tested at ISPOR Europe 2019 in Copenhagen.

Data saves lives

Project partners:

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Copenhagen Healthtech Cluster

Louise Rosenlund Nielsen
Project leader

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Lars Lindskold
Project partner

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Saara Malkamäki
Project partner

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The Norwegian Directorate of eHealth

Truls Korsgaard
Project partner


Lena Henriksson - Head of Communication

Lena Henriksson

Head of Communication
Visionary change maker who believes in a good strategy. Combined communication and marketing expert with working experience from the broadcasting businesses Swedish Radio and UR. Walked from Media to Business and became responsible for marketing, corporate communication and PR in startups and institutes. Interested in making a difference with great communication.

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