
Nordic Chip Collaboration

Project 2024 Closed

The Nordic Chip Collaboration is an initiative focusing on strengthening the Nordic semiconductor industry ecosystem. A joint pre-study has already been conducted to identify whether there is an added value in formalized Nordic collaboration among semiconductor industry actors and academia in Finland, Sweden, and Norway, as well as to outline the main joint-Nordic business opportunities and areas of common interests.

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Project objective

The primary objective of the project is to enhance cooperation across the semiconductor industries in the Nordics through the formalised collaboration between the Trade and Investment Promotion Organisations (TPOs) in Finland, Sweden, and Norway.

The expected outcome of the collaboration is to strengthen the Nordic’s position globally and contribute to European resilience.

The main objectives are:

  • Create a common value proposition for the Nordic semiconductor industry and position the Nordics in key markets
  • Identify business and investment opportunities for Nordic industries and ecosystems
  • Establish the Nordics as a sustainability and innovation hub for the European and global semiconductor value chain (technology and production)
  • Attract talent and competence to address skill shortages

Project partners

The project partners are: Business Finland, Innovation Norway and Business Sweden.
