Tree house in a winter forest.

Nordic Built

Program 2012 - 2013 Closed

Nordic Built was a Nordic initiative to accelerate the development of sustainable building concepts – combining key Nordic strengths, providing arenas for collaboration and realising concrete projects that demonstrate world-class scalable solutions. The program was initiated by the Nordic ministers for trade and industry and carried out in the period 2012-2014, through the execution of 3 main modules:

Module 1 – The Charter: 

The Charter consists of 10 principles defining the strongholds of the Nordic building sector. It provides a platform for cooperation and sets high ambitions for our future built environment, based on a holistic perspective. 

Module 2 – The Challenge: 

The objective of the Nordic Built Challenge was to encourage innovation and the development of sustainable, viable and scalable refurbishment concepts for some of the most common building types in the Nordic region – and to demonstrate the principles of the Nordic Built Charter in practice. 

Module 3 – The Change: 

Through a joint Nordic funding programme for innovation, R&D and demonstration projects, the aim of this module was to bring about wider change by accelerating and supporting the use of new concepts for sustainable construction. Calls for proposals were released in 2013 and 2014 and a total of 17 projects received funding.