Deadline: | 31 January 2023 at 12:00 noon CET |
Funding: | Up to 5.800.000 NOK |
In addition to the funding, there will be a co-financing requirement for the winning consortia of at least +50%.
The main goal of the project is to demonstrate the innovation potential of the context provided in patient journals. This will be done by focusing on one or several healthcare challenges where the context in patient journals can be utilized to improve health care outcomes. It is expected that the project partner will focus on one or several clearly delimited areas. Furthermore, the project should adhere to the protection of privacy of individuals and follow FAIR principles and forthcoming EU regulations in healthcare.
“Through this project, we seek to demonstrate the societal and business value for the Nordic countries in utilizing the context in patient journals to tackle healthcare challenges”, says Rasmus Malmborg, Senior Advisor at Nordic Innovation.
“In order to do so we are looking for a consortium consisting of for instance a technology company, pharmaceutical company, health care providers, hospitals and doctors from across the Nordics to perform this project and showcase the value of utilizing patient journals”, says Olivia Rekman, Innovation Advisor at Nordic Innovation.
The Nordics sit on a wealth of valuable health data in the form of patient journals. Much of the information stored in patient journals go underutilized. There is clinically relevant information hidden in the massive amount of data in the context provided in patient journals which have the potential to radically improve healthcare outcomes. Patterns can more easily be detected among patients and for example, recognize those who are at risk even before symptoms emerge or improve the workflow for optimized use of resources and thus provide better care. Detection, better understanding, improved treatments and drug development in the area of rare diseases are examples of innovations that may be derived from context-rich patient summaries. Prediction and optimization of healthcare workflows such as emergency room flow and remittances are other application areas that hold great potential. Another foreseen area of application could be improved drug management.
A cross-sectoral collaboration
The call is one out of two calls in a cross-sectoral collaboration between the Life Science & Health Tech and AI & Data programs in addition to the Nordic Council of Ministers for Digitalization, with the aim of exploring the innovation potential in Nordic patient journal data. The other call is aimed at developing and demonstrating an ethical AI-solution capable of processing data from patient journals across the Nordics. Together, the two resulting projects aim at propelling the Nordic region as leading in ethical AI and responsible use of health data, by demonstrating the potential for value creation for Nordic businesses and society in responsible utilizing of patient records and applied ethical AI.