Nordic ambassadors in front of the Nordic pavilion at IE Expo 2018 in Shanghai.

Strong Nordic Effort at the IE Expo in Shanghai

On 4 May 2018, the Trade Council of Denmark and ICDK Shanghai organised a Nordic Pavilion and a business seminar on Nordic Green Technology at the IE Expo in Shanghai – Asia’s leading trade fair for environmental technology solutions within water, waste, air and soil with more than 1800 exhibitors.

The Danish Consul General of Shanghai, Nicolai Prytz, and his colleagues from Norway, Sweden and Finland all visited the Nordic Pavilion and gave welcoming speeches at the business seminar.

Connecting Nordic companies with Chinese stakeholders

The Nordic Green Technology business seminar offered an interesting programme with speakers from 14 Nordic companies specialising in water and wastewater solutions, waste management, circular economy solutions and air pollution treatment.

ICDK Shanghai's Executive Director, Morten Brandtoft, moderated the seminar and facilitated the dialogue with the more than 60 Chinese participants from design institutes, industrial parks, local environmental technology companies, universities and research institutes.

Nordic solutions to sustainable urban development challenges

The aim of the Nordic Pavillion and business seminar was to promote Nordic solutions to urban development challenges to relevant stakeholders outside the Nordic region, and was funded by Nordic Innovation through the Nordic Sustainable Cities project.

Nordic Sustainable Cities is one of six flagship projects under the Nordic prime ministers’ initiative, Nordic Solutions to Global Challenges. The prime minister’s initiative is coordinated by the Nordic Council of Ministers and promotes sustainability and progress toward the UN Sustainability Goals.

Source: Denmark in China
