Sustainable Minerals

PRESS RELEASE: Nordic Collaboration for Sustainable Mineral Production

The Nordic Sustainable Minerals Program consists of two strategically important main work packages: Traceability of Primary Mineral Resources and Recovery and Recycling of Secondary Mineral Resources.

The first work package of the Sustainable Minerals Program aims at kickstarting the development of an effective traceability technique for tracing rare-earth elements (REE) that originated in the Nordic countries along the whole value chain at a global scale (GeoPass).

The second work package aims at developing an inventory of mining waste across the Nordics and a systematic classification methodology for secondary mineral resources as compared to primary resources to evaluate respective CRM potential.

Both work packages are essential for ensuring efficient use of mineral resources and reinforcing Nordic leadership in global sustainability endeavours.

- The world must undertake a major energy transition to mitigate global issues as put forward by the UN SDG goals. As a foreseeable consequence, the demands for new energy technologies, such as batteries, wind turbines, and other green alternatives will rise considerably, leading to surging demands for metals and minerals says Håkan Lind, Senior Innovation Adviser at Nordic Innovation. 

Project partners

  • Geological Survey of Finland (GTK)
  • Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
  • Geological Survey of Norway (NGU)
  • Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU)
  • Iceland GeoSurvey (ÍSOR)
  • Ministry of Mineral Resources Government of Greenland (MMR)
  • Norwegian Directorate of Mining (DIRMIN)
  • University of Iceland (HÍ)


The project is a part of the Sustainable Minerals Program which is one of the eight initiatives launched by the five Nordic ministers of trade and industry. The initiatives represent a determined advance towards a stronger and more sustainable Nordic region and support the vision for the Nordic region to be the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030.

Download the report: The Nordic Supply Potential of Critical Metals and Minerals for a Green Energy Transition written and delivered in 2021 by the Nordic geological survey agencies and related agencies and academia.

Read more about the Sustainable Minerals program
