Webinar: Data Sharing for a More Self-Sufficient Healthcare System

10:00 - 12:30
Sign up for the webinar
The Öresund Bridge connecting Sweden and Denmark.

“How can sharing of data in the Nordics secure a more self-sufficient healthcare ecosystem when the next pandemic hits?”

The current pandemic has made us painfully aware of the vulnerabilities in our individual healthcare systems when pressure increases. How can sharing of data in the Nordics help us both better prepare for and handle another healthcare crisis? What are the technical and legal barriers?

This webinar, which is hosted by the partners in the Nordic Interoperability Project, will paint a picture of the benefits of making the Nordics the most integrated region in the world by 2030 as well as what is needed to take us there.

Program and keynotes:

Petter Østbye, Sectra:
“Welcome! Why the Nordic Interoperability Project and data sharing is important to us.”
Bogi Eliassen, CIFS:
“Nordic Health 2030 – From scenario to reality in 10 years?”
Svein Berg, Nordic Innovation:
“The most integrated region by 2030 – How to get there?”
Elena Bonfiglioli, Microsoft:
“Why the Nordics? Nordic potential in a global perspective “
Mikko Rotonen, HUS:
“Data lake potential, – our HUS way of thinking.”
Louise Rosenlund Nielsen, DataSavesLives:
“Mapping Health Data in the Nordics. The data is there!”
Bjørn Ofstad/Hanne Gulbrandsen, Deloitte:
“Breaking down the legal barriers! – Nordic Legal Report”
Nordic Interoperability Project:
“Interoperability Showcase 2.0”
Panel discussion:
“How can sharing of data secure a more self-sufficient healthcare ecosystem in the future?”

Towards a more sustainable healthcare system

This webinar is organized by the partners in the Nordic Interoperability Project. The Nordic Interoperability Project has created technical interoperability showcases to show how we can access, exchange and use patient data to optimize the health of Nordic citizens.

The project supports Nordic Innovation's vision of making the Nordics the most integrated health region in the world by 2030. An important part of this vision is the shift from sick care to preventive health, in which health data will play a crucial role.

Better use of health data will improve quality of life in the Nordic region, as well as help develop innovative solutions and business opportunities that can give Nordic companies a competitive advantage.

The Nordic Interoperability Project is co-financed by Nordic Innovation as part of our Health, Demography and Quality of Life program.
