Vinderne af scaleups awards 2024 på scenen

Annual Report 2024

Innovation and Impact: Nordic Innovation Annual Report 2024

2024 was a year of result and impact, and it was the final year of Nordic Innovation's mission, 2021-2024. 

This annual report reflects the fact that Nordic Innovation is now moving from one mission to another, and that 2024 marked an end to the programs that we have worked with for the past four years. 

The report gives examples of projects that Nordic Innovation has worked on during 2024, it highlights results and it showcases how Nordic Innovation is contributing to making the Nordic's the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030.

However, it also includes snapshots of achievements from 2021–2024 and showcases how projects from this mission have contributed to reaching Vision 2030. 

Enjoy reading it!  


Lena Henriksson - Head of Communication

Lena Henriksson

Head of Communication
Visionary change maker who believes in a good strategy. Combined communication and marketing expert with working experience from the broadcasting businesses Swedish Radio and UR. Walked from Media to Business and became responsible for marketing, corporate communication and PR in startups and institutes. Interested in making a difference with great communication.

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Sarah Hitz - Communication Adviser

Sarah Hitz

Senior Communication Adviser
Sarah has a broad experience within marketing and communication from both the private sector and public organizations with the European Parliament as her proudest reference. Her main focus at Nordic Innovation is social media, but she is open to all aspects of communication. She has a strong passion for international collaboration with business development, education and freedom of movement as her main areas of interest.

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